Video: How My Husband Handled My Hair Falling Off After Chemotherapy
I was lucky enough to have my whole keynote recorded at a recent conference. Sometimes, the conference chair and I negotiate - that if I can have a professional video of my talk, I'll give all their audience members (has to be less than 100) a copy of my book.
In the next few weeks, I'll be sharing snippets of my keynote with you that have learning lessons or a story that drives a message home.
In this video (under 3 minutes), I share a story about the morning of November 10, 2016 when I was heading to a speaking engagement about an hour away from where I live.
While shampooing my hair, a huge clump of hair just came off. I realized that the chemotherapy treatment I'd had 2 weeks prior was now affecting my hair. I panicked!
Now watch and listen how my husband, Badur, helped me and notice what I find at the end - you'll laugh.